Saturday 30 November 2013



We usually send friend requests and if it's not accepted it is kept in pending. 
If  there are lots of pending requests it may lead to block.
So this is a simple way to get those requests cancelled and protect your account from being blocked.

    Follow below steps :-

    1. Go to account settings.
    2. Select `download a copy` option.

    3. Choose `expanded archive` from the next page opened and enter your   password and click continue.
    4. Select `start my archive`.
    5. After a few hours you'll get the download link in your email.
    5. Download the file `facebook` and unzip it.
    6. Open the folder html and then `friend_requests.htm­l`.
    7. You can see the list of your friend requests and pending lists.
    Now goto their accounts and click`cancel request.

    That's all You are done now. Your account is safe.

Chat with Friends through Command Prompt

Chat with Friends through Command Prompt

Hello friends Now U Can Chat With Command Prompt THrough So Here IS A Trick.....

1) All you need is your friend's IP Address and your Command Prompt.

2) Open Notepad and write this code as it is.....!

@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

3) Now save this as "Messenger.Bat".

4) Open Command Prompt.

5) Drag this file (.bat file) over to Command Prompt and press Enter.

6) You would then see something like this:

7) Now, type the IP Address of the computer you want to contact and press enter
You will see something like this:

8) Now all you need to do is type your message and press Enter.
Start Chatting.......!




By definition cryptography is the process of converting recognizable data into an encrypted code for transmitting it over a network (either trusted or untrusted). Data is encrypted at the source, i.e. sender's end and decrypted at the destination, i.e. receiver's end.

In all cases, the initial unencrypted data is referred to as plain text. It is encrypted into cipher text, which will in turn (usually) be decrypted into usable plaintext using different encryption algorithms.

                       Plaintext =>Ciphertext=> Plaintext=>Encryption=> Decryption

The Purpose :-
* Authentication : The process of proving one's identity.
* Privacy/confidentiality : Ensuring that no one can read the message except the intended receiver.
* Integrity : Assuring the receiver that the received message has not been altered in any way from the original.
* Non-repudiation : A mechanism to prove that the sender really sent this message.

In general cryptographic algorithms are classified into three categories as follows :

1) Secret Key Cryptography (SKC) : Uses a single key for both encryption and decryption.
2) Public Key Cryptography (PKC) : Uses one key for encryption and another for decryption.
3) Hash Functions : Uses a mathematical transformation to irreversibly "encrypt" information.

Secret Key Cryptography :- 
With secret key cryptography, a single key is used for both encryption and decryption. Because a single key is used for both functions, secret key cryptography is also called symmetric encryption.

Secret key cryptography algorithms that are in use today include :

1) Data Encryption Standard (DES) : DES is a block-cipher employing a 56-bit key that operates on 64-bit blocks. DES uses a key of only 56 bits, and thus it is now susceptible to "brute force" attacks.
Triple-DES (3DES) and DESX are the two important variants that strengthen DES.

2) Advanced Encryption Standard (AES ) : The algorithm can use a variable block length and key length; the latest specification allowed any combination of keys lengths of 128, 192, or 256 bits and blocks of length 128, 192, or 256 bits.

3 ) International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) : Secret-key cryptosystem written by Xuejia Lai and James Massey, in 1992 and patented by Ascom; a 64-bit SKC block cipher using a 128-bit key. Also available internationally.

4) Rivest Ciphers : Named for Ron Rivest, a series of SKC algorithms.

RC1 : Designed on paper but never implemented.
RC2 : A 64-bit block cipher using variable-sized keys designed to replace DES. It's code has not been made public although many companies have licensed RC2 for use in their products. Described in RFC 2268.
RC3 : Found to be breakable during development.
RC4 : A stream cipher using variable-sized keys; it is widely used in commercial cryptography products, although it can only be exported using keys that are 40 bits or less in length.
RC5 : A block-cipher supporting a variety of block sizes, key sizes, and number of encryption passes over the data. Described in RFC 2040.
RC6 : An improvement over RC5, RC6 was one of the AES Round 2 algorithms.

5) Blowfish : A symmetric 64-bit block cipher invented by Bruce Schneier; optimized for 32-bit processors with large data caches, it is significantly faster than DES on a Pentium/PowerPC-class machine. Key lengths can vary from 32 to 448 bits in length. Blowfish, available freely and intended as a substitute for DES or IDEA, is in use in over 80 products.

Public-Key Cryptography :- 
Generic PKC employs two keys that are mathematically related although knowledge of one key does not allow someone to easily determine the other key. One key is used to encrypt the plaintext and the other key is used to decrypt the ciphertext. No matter which key is applied first, but both the keys are required for the process to work. Because a pair of keys are required, this approach is also called asymmetric cryptography.
In PKC, one of the keys is designated the public key and may be advertised as widely as the owner wants. The other key is designated the private key and is never revealed to another party.

Public-key cryptography algorithms that are in use today for key exchange or digital signatures include :

1) RSA : One of the most popular encryption algorithm, invented in 1977 by three MIT scientists (Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman)
The key-pair is derived from a very large number, n, that is the product of two prime numbers chosen according to special rules; these primes may be 100 or more digits in length each, yielding an n with roughly twice as many digits as the prime factors. The public key information includes n and a derivative of one of the factors of n; an attacker cannot determine the prime factors of n (and, therefore, the private key) from this information alone and that is what makes the RSA algorithm so secure.

Hash Functions :- Hash functions, also called message digests and one-way encryption, are algorithms that, in some sense, use no key. Instead, a fixed-length hash value is computed based upon the plaintext that makes it impossible for either the contents or length of the plaintext to be recovered. Hash algorithms are typically used to provide a digital fingerprint of a file's contents, often used to ensure that the file has not been altered by an intruder or virus. Hash functions are also commonly employed by many operating systems to encrypt passwords. Hash functions, then, provide a measure of the integrity of a file.
Hash algorithms that are in common use today include:
1) Message Digest (MD) algorithms : A series of byte-oriented algorithms that produce a 128-bit hash value from an arbitrary-length message.
MD2 : Designed for systems with limited memory, such as smart cards.
MD4 : Developed by Rivest, similar to MD2 but designed specifically for fast processing in software.
MD5 : Also developed by Rivest in 1991 after potential weaknesses were reported in MD4; this scheme is similar to MD4 but is slower because more manipulation is made to the original data.It accepts variable length message from the user and converts it into a fixed 128-bit message digest value.
One interesting and important aspect of the MD5 hash function is that it is a one way algorithm. This means you can produce the 128-bit fingerprint if the data chunk is available to you. You cannot, however, generate the entire data if only the fingerprint of the data is known.

2) Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) : Algorithm for NIST's Secure Hash Standard (SHS). SHA-1 produces a 160-bit hash value and was originally published as FIPS 180-1 and RFC 3174. FIPS 180-2 describes five algorithms in the SHS: SHA-1 plus SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 which can produce hash values that are 224, 256, 384, or 512 bits in length, respectively. SHA-224, -256, -384, and -52 are also described in RFC 4634.

3) RIPEMD : A series of message digests that initially came from the RIPE (RACE Integrity Primitives Evaluation) project. RIPEMD-160 was designed by Hans Dobbertin, Antoon Bosselaers, and Bart Preneel, and optimized for 32-bit processors to replace the then-current 128-bit hash functions. Other versions include RIPEMD-256, RIPEMD-320, and RIPEMD-128.

4) HAVAL (HAsh of VAriable Length) : Designed by Y. Zheng, J. Pieprzyk and J. Seberry, a hash algorithm with many levels of security. HAVAL can create hash values that are 128, 160, 192, 224, or 256 bits in length.

5) Whirlpool : A relatively new hash function, designed by V. Rijmen and P.S.L.M. Barreto. Whirlpool operates on messages less than 2256 bits in length, and produces a message digest of 512 bits. The design of this hash function is very different than that of MD5 and SHA-1, making it immune to the same attacks as on those hashes.

6) Tiger : Designed by Ross Anderson and Eli Biham, Tiger is designed to be secure, run efficiently on 64-bit processors, and easily replace MD4, MD5, SHA and SHA-1 in other applications. Tiger/192 produces a 192-bit output and is compatible with 64-bit architectures; Tiger/128 and Tiger/160 produce the first 128 and 160 bits, respectively, to provide compatibility with the other hash functions.

Multi Yahoo&Gtlk

Multi Yahoo&Gtlk

Yahoo Messenger trick-
How to open Multiple Yahoo Messenger?

1. Go to start > Run > Type regedit > Press Enter
2. Click on the plus sign near the folder HKEY_CURRENT_USER
3. Click on the plus sign near the folder Software
4. Click on the plus sign near the folder Yahoo
5. Click on the plus sign near the folder Pager
6. Right Click on the folder name Test > New > DWORD Value
7. Right side you will get a file named New Value #1
8. Right Click on the file New Value #1 and Rename it as Plural and press enter
9. Double Click on the file Plural
10. You will get a windown named Edit DWORD Value
11. Type 1 inside 'Select the Value data' and press enter
12. Close the registery editor window
13. Now you can launch multiple windows and use different ID's.

Multiple Google talk login

1. Right-click on the desktop

2. Select New
3. Select Shortcut

4. Paste this into the text box:
"c:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe" /nomutex
(dont miss even a comma)
5. Click Next
6. Name it whatever: Google Talk Multiple, etc.

7. Click OK until you are done.

Yahoo messengers hidden smileys...~!

:o3 <---------> puppy dog eyes - New!

:-?? <---------> I don't know - New!

%-( <---------> not listening

:@) <---------> pig

3:-O <---------> cow

:(|) <---------> monkey

~:> <---------> chicken

@};- <---------> Red rose

%%- <---------> good luck

**== <---------> flag

(~~) <---------> pumpkin

~O) <---------> coffee

*-:) <---------> idea

8-X <---------> skull

=:) <---------> bug

>-) <---------> alien

:-L <---------> frustrated

[-O< <---------> peace sign

[-X <---------> shame on you

\:D/ <---------> dancing

>:/ <---------> bring it on

;)) <---------> hee hee

:-@ <---------> chatterbox

^:)^ <---------> not worthy

:-j <---------> oh go on

(*) <---------> star

o-> <---------> hiro

o=> <---------> billy

o-+ <---------> april               

(%) <---------> yin yang

Phishing Attacks

Phishing Attacks

Here we tells about PHISHING & How can we protect from it.~!


The act of sending an e-mail to a user falsely claiming to be an established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surroundering private information that will be used for identity theft. The e-mail directs the user to visit a Web site where they are asked to update personal information, such as passwords and credit card, social security, and bank account numbers, that the legitimate organization already has. The Web site, however, is bogus and set up only to steal the user’s information.



Phishing scams are not limited to the internet. Some phishers use the telephone to make requests for information. If you get a call from your banking institution asking for personal information, hang up and call your bank directly. Your bank will have your social security number and account information on file and should only ask you to verify a few digits.

like Iphone,Apple ,iTunes n more...By SMS


>>Congratulations! Your mobile phone has won US$ 10 Million prize money. To claim your money, call this number XXXXXXXX,give your permanent address,pin number,account number or credit card number...

The phisher can ask like it They want your personal Information.

 Some people do the reply to phisher then after he/she can be target of Phisher... so never be reply these type of Messages or Mail.


In a phishing attack, the attacker creates a situation wherein people believe that they are dealing with an authorized party, like their bank or another service provider. The attacker will ask the victim for sensitive information such as credit card information.

>>Phishing attacks generally target:

    * Bank information – e.g. VISA and PayPal accounts.
    * Username and password information.
    * Social Security numbers.
    * Information which can be used to retrieve forgotten or lost credentials.

>>Follow the tips below to protect yourself against these threats:

· Your bank will never ask you to divulge account information or passwords via email. Never give out this information, especially via email.

· Don’t open emails that come from untrusted sources.

· Don’t run files that you receive via email without making sure of their origin.

· Don’t click links in emails. If they come from a known source, type them on the browser’s address bar. If they come from an untrusted source, simply ignore them, as they could take you to a web designed to download malware onto your computer.

· Keep your computer protected. Install a security solution and keep it up-to-date.

>>Protect yourself from Phishing scams that could lead to identity theft. I cannot stress this enough. Phishing scams are a hot topic lately that have grown with the popularity of online banking and social networking sites like MySpace, Facebook and Friendster.

The term Phishing comes from the analogy to "fishing". The phisher uses a bait to lure victims into giving out personal information like passwords and credit card numbers. The bait is typically and urgent plea from one of the victims friends or trusted websites, asking for information to resolve some sort of problem with their account.

>>Anti-phishing software is a must for anyone that accesses the internet. Most of the internet service providers have some safety measures included as part of their online security software. Most web browsers also have add-ons that can detect most phishing scams. Unfortunately, these measures are not enough. Some of the more clever phishers have found ways to trick the anti-phishing software so you need to be cautious of suspicious emails and messages.

How To Identify Fake Facebook Accounts

How To Identify Fake Facebook Accounts

How can you detect the Fake FB Profile. On these days we are getting so many friend request specially by girls, but there is no way to identify that account is fake or original. So don't worry we are going to tell you simple method to detect fake Facebook account.

So this is a Facebook account which named by Sarikha Agarwal. Now we need to verify this account real or fake, so our first step is going to and click on camera image.

                                                                                                 So when you click on search by image you will get popup like below image.

                                                                                                        Now go to that profile, right click on image and click on copy image URL

Now profile pic URL has copied.. now again go to Tab and paste image URL 

When you enter then you get related images search...

Now you can better see that this profile is real or fake..So here is a proof that this profile is fake. Enjoy the trick..

Be aware when you will going to add an beautiful or smart unknown person as your friend. So be checked first.. there are lot of fake profiles are create everyday. 
This person might be spy on your profile and steal personal information like your photos, etc for their hacking stuffs.. So Be Safe Online..

Friday 29 November 2013

How To check | Stop | Secure that Your Computer Hacked or Not

How To check | Stop | Secure that Your Computer Hacked or Not

  The Computer hackers can the cause serious damage to most of computer and may be your personal information. 

Hacking can mean the number of things but the computer hacking is a basically when someone accesses into your computer or may be its resources. Without your permission and then initially may be without your knowledge. Computers can be the hacked without leaving any evidence behind that. As the home user and you can always find out that if you have been hacked by the black hat hackers because the black hat hacker either wants keep using your personal computer resources or may be want to harm the computer. As the black hat can try to access your computer.

So as I am security Researcher it’s my duty to stop the black hat hacker from the unethical work and also inform to the people about the all activity of those person. So here is simple trick that how you can check your computer that may hacked by hackers. So let’s start follows the some step .then you can easily check your computer is hacked or not. The lots of technique to stop the black hat hacker. So for my reader I am sharing simple technique so let’s start.
Technique # 01
Look for the extra folder like right click on the hard drive and check that how much your hard drive is used. If your computer is compromised by hacker  so the will see your memory lost mean that your pc may be being used to the file sharing .so now check your folder then you will see the some folder with the large memory.
Technique # 02
Check the user. Just Go to the Control Panel and then click on the "Users." So if may be any extra users have been added so may be your computer is hacked or if the some user password changed and then it’s confirm that your computer was hacked.

Technique # 03
Find out that if your security has been off .so check this Go to the Control Panel then look to see if the firewall turned off sometime or always and your ant virus is on and may be window update off so then your computer is hacked.
Technique # 04
Finally in last try to runs your antivirus and other software like remove to spyware. If your computer is hacked so it show the lot of spyware


So finally some technique that how to stop the hacker’s from this activity .
STEP # 01
Open your command prompt the type netstat –b so its simple show you that some IP address associated with the all program engaged with the internet then The list will be update every five seconds and then simple giving you the real-time look IP addresses your computer is the sending information to and then Look for the IP addresses or may be program names that you cannot identify. So take the screen shot. And save it in your computer.
STEP # 02
Then you can Type tracert like "tracert" like below its give you all the information about the IP address like name and internet service provider .
STEP # 03
So finally Shut down the computer. And then Contact the ISP company and give the IP address and and alert your all the then may take action.

How to check if a Website is Down Just for you or everyone

How to check if a Website is Down Just for you or everyone

What happens sometimes is that some websites do not get opened in our browsers. And this is mostly happen with the social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon, etc. But the question arises here is whether that particular website has just been closed for you or for everyone?

 Website is Down or up

So the real question or confusion is whether the site you are trying to open is just closed for you or for everyone?

So to find the solution of this question, there are some online techniques or tools which can be used to check whether the site is down for you or for everyone. Some of techniques will be discussed in this article.

       1.      Visit IsItDownRightNow.COM

Ø  You just have to visit
Ø  Just copy paste the URL of the website to the check box and click the search button.
Ø  After that it will show you a message which will tell you the whether the website is up or down.
        2.      Checks website down for me or everyone

Ø  Another tool here will tell you that the website is just closed for you or everyone.

Determines the up time of some commonly used websites:

Another useful tool is being introduced to you who keep on checking that the website is up or down by just visiting All the information regarding data of the popular and famous websites like Facebook, Blogger and Twitter has been gathered on this website and it also checks the maintenance downtime for any of these websites.


So what we infer from the above details is that the suggested websites are used to let you know that either the website is just down for you or everyone. Moreover, it has the data of uptime and downtime of the busy websites. If it has been down just for you then it means that your browser is having some kind of issue or it might be the problem of your ISP (Internet Service Provider). 

Website is Down or up

You may also confirm by checking that the site you are trying to open is blocked by you. There are other sites too for this purpose but the above discussed are the best ones so if you still have any doubts, mention them in your comments.

How to check If A Website Is Reliable or Not

How to check If A Website Is Reliable or Not

It is a matter of interest for a common man that which websites are reliable and which should be dealt from a distance. It becomes even more sensitive when it comes to websites related to online shopping, best deals, online money making, jobs and discount offers too good to be true. No doubt one must not label a site unreliable, scam or fraudulent just by  viewing it, however there are certain ways one can, most of the times, tell whether a site is safe to encounter or it is unreliable.

Website Is Reliable or Not

Along with shopping sites there are also few sites which doesn’t give you accurate information which you want, like you searching for anything and you are redirected to another website just because of relative keywords. 

There are many sites which have fake content and fake or copied meta description or you can say Keywords to just redirect the traffic, while analyzing this issue for others as well mine I have gathered an enlist of these knowledgeable tips to be secure from these website and save money or time.

Here, I am enlisting few of the helpful tips for you to use while judging the reliability of a website.

1.    Web of Trust (WOT)

This is an easy to handle tool and comes in handy for judging the reliability of a website. Admin of the tool gathers feedback from users all over the world and keeps a good record. Users can download a WOT extension for the browser they use like Google Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer. The tool is highly integrated into the browser and is very quick to give information about the website as soon you get the search results.

You can easily download extension for your browser by visiting and start using this.

I want to show a snapshot for better elaboration that how this extension helps you judging the reliability of a website.

*      When there is Green the site is totally reliable.        
*      Yellow indicated a spam or doubtful site.
*      Red is a scam site, you must not rely on.
*      A question mark says the site has not been rated; you can play your role here.

Website Is Reliable or Not

So this tool can be helpful and at any time you can check if some site is reliable or not and you should deal with them or not.  I must tell you one thing from my personal experience that WOT is reliable and accurate most of the time but when it comes to new sites where there have not been much votes by the users and reliability of the site is not well established the information provided by WOT  can be compromised.

2.    Site Design

This point of common sense states a reliable trustworthy site mostly will have a smooth, clean and clutter free design and a site with lots of mess and inappropriate formatting is definitely telling you to stay at a distance. Well there are many ppc sites available on the Internet but most of them are scam and 35% of the websites are just truly paying, people judge on the basis of its structure but that isn’t it all because this can be done for any blog or website. Try to check the Structure which shows the uniqueness.

3.    Admins and Authors

A site which is rooted back to a well-known organization, established admin and mentioned authors is usually reliable as compared to a site which is managed anonymously. It is possible that a site which is maintained anonymously is at the same time not a scam or spam and reliable but most of the times if a site is managed by anonymous admin and much of the information is not mentioned there is something fishy and you must stay out of the scene in such cases.

4.    Alexa Ranking

Alexa ranking is another useful criterion for judging the reliability of a website. Alexa is owned by Amazon and they rank all the websites based upon multiple factors and ranking is very important to know if a website is trustworthy. Alexa ranks the blog/website on the basis or impressions/traffic the blog/website gains with particular time, so it is the better way to check the website is reliable or not as well it indicates the site in which the current site is linked.

 There are other rankings to serve the purpose but Alexa leads the rest. They monitor everything including traffic. Principle for using Alexa ranking is; The Lesser the Better.

5.    Google Page Rank

Page Rank is another good criterion for you to check whether a site is trustable or not. This is something totally different from Alexa ranking.  It is ranking from 0 to 10, the higher the better. While don’t make such decisions on the behalf of checking the Page Rank because there are many hidden tips though which a webmaster can easily rank their Page Rank from 0 to 1 and  0 to 5 and further, so try not to check directly from Page Rank checker but also go through the more steps which discussed above.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

MiniBrowser PRO v2.5

MiniBrowser PRO v2.5

MiniBrowser PRO v2.5
Requirements: Android 3.2+
Overview: MiniBrowser Mobile is a fast and easy to use internet browser. Powerful built-in advertisement filter (Ad-Block) will save internet traffic, CPU processing/battery consumption, phone memory usage and make web pages to load much faster.
MiniBrowser Mobile is a fast and easy to use internet browser. Powerful built-in advertisement filter (Ad-Block) will save internet traffic, CPU processing/battery consumption, phone memory usage and make web pages to load much faster. Mini Browser Ad-blocker is much more powerful than ones used in other browsers. It filters out not only the banners but also all hidden requests to unknown servers which are used by website for collecting statistics about your browsing activity.
Video Downloader feature will find for you all video links on the page and allow to download them on sdcard.Browser supports:
Adobe Flash Player plugin
- Ad-blocker
- Incognito browsing
- Tab browsing
- Auto-complete address bar
- Translate with Google service or search Wikipedia right from address bar
- Full screen mode
- Bookmarks (+import bookmarks from IE, Chrome and other computer browsers)
- Download images and files
- Find on page
- Pinch to zoom, double-tap to zoom
- Desktop User-Agent mode
- Listing of all URL requests during the page loading
- Video Downloader. (Please note that YOUTUBE DOWNLOAD NOT SUPPORTED DUE TO GOOGLE TERMS OF SERVICE and disabled in this browser. Same restrictions applied to few others video-services. Downloading and viewing of video protected by copyright are prohibited and are regulated by the laws of the country where you live.)
Keywords: fast browser, internet explorer, ad-blocker, AdBlock, video downloader, mini browser , google translate , wikipedia search , flash video, adobe flash, banners blocker, flashplayer
What’s New: 
What’s new in 2.5:
- Night mode page view
- Fixed crash when translate text from address field
- Ad-blocker improvements
- Stability improvement
Download Instructions:

Speed up web browsing with OpenDNS

Speed up web browsing with OpenDNS

When you type in a domain name such as in your browser the computer must resolve the friendly name into an IP address of the server to download the web page and supporting files. Windows uses a DNS (domain name system) server to lookup this information.  By default, Windows uses your ISP’s DNS server.  Depending on your provider, the performance of their DNS resolving server varies.  Some large national providers are known to provide unreliable and slow DNS servers.  
The performance of the DNS server you are using is one component that affects the speed of your internet browsing.  Since each domain name you type in must be resolved into an IP address, the amount of time that takes will delay the loading of any web page.  Some users with overloaded ISP DNS servers can see delays in multiple seconds before web pages start to load.
OpenDNS provides free alternative DNS servers that anyone can use with any internet provider.  Unlike many national internet providers, OpenDNS’s DNS servers are very fast and reliable.   Using OpenDNS servers instead of your ISP servers will help you speed up your internet browsing by cutting down on the delay between resolving a domain name and getting the IP address so your browser can start loading the web page.
Configuring your computer to use OpenDNS servers instead of your ISP’s is a simple change that works in all versions of Windows:
  1. Click on the Start Button and type in ncpa.cpl and hit Enter.  In Windows XP Click on the Start Button, click Run and then type in ncpa.cpl. Make sure you run ncpa.cpl as administrator on Windows 8. 
  2. Right click on your active network connection that you use to connect to the Internet and select Properties.
  3. On the Networking / General tab, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) (version 4 on Windows Vista, 7 and 8) and hit Properties.
  4. On the properties screen, select Use the following DNS server addresses and then type in in the preferred and in the alternate boxes.

  5. Hit OK twice and you are finished.
Visit to learn more about some of the advanced features of OpenDNS on top of the speed benefits.

Camera ZOOM FX v5.0.0

Camera ZOOM FX v5.0.0 

Camera ZOOM FX v5.0.0
Requirements: 1.6+
Overview: The most advanced camera for Android!
Cover art
Camera ZOOM FX - screenshot
>> “The Best Camera App for Android” – lifehacker
>> “The 15 Best Mobile Apps of 2011″ – Mashable
BUY NOW BEFORE THE PRICE GOES UP! (Normal price $4.99)
Over half a million sold!!!
“grab this to show off to your Apple-loving buddies” – SlashGear
“fun filters, zooming, timer and even image stabilisation” – Gizmodo
“Few apps offer as many options for shooting as this one” – WIRED
The award-winning camera app for Android devices!
Camera ZOOM FX is now Editor’s Choice on Lifehacker, Gizmodo, Mashable and SlashGear. Over 400,000 users around the world are now using Camera ZOOM FX daily.
Blazingly fast performance: over 90 effects render instantly on your device!
● Optical / digital zoom (up to 6x)
● Flash (if avail)
● Front facing camera (if avail)
● Customization of ALL hardware buttons
- e.g. volume buttons to control zoom, trackball to snap shot…
● Live previews of some effects, e.g. frames, buddies
● Silent camera (if device supports)
● Tweak hardware options: autofocus, whitebalance, nightshot…
● Send, share your shots
● 1-click upload photo to Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, etc. – ALL AT ONCE!
● Customizable grid overlays
● NEW!! Live Wallpaper – now “Photo FX Live Wallpaper” app
● Stable S on-screen meter to show current level of movement
● Timer
● Voice Activated: take a picture by clapping, shouting…
● Burst Mode
● Collage
● Time Lapse
● You can import existing photos from your phone’s gallery by clicking Menu->Import.
● Combine effects using non-destructive editing
● Process at full camera resolution (up to 8mp if avail)
● 10 ready made presets: Diana, Retro, Holga 35mm, Toy Camera…
● 20 Color FX: vintage, lomo, cinematic, funky, pencil…
● 13 Frames: thin, rounded, lens, polaroid, filmreel…
● 6 Vignette Surrounds: heavy, invert, spotlight…
● 12 Distort FX: fisheye (like fxcamera), mosaic, twirl…
● 9 Mirror FX
● 3 Tilt-shift FX
● Crop to any size of your choice: 3×8, square, instant, 6×4…
● Digi composites (photoshop style overlays)
● Props and famous ‘buddies’ in your pictures (move and resize!)
● Create stunning collages: e.g. 2×2 passport style combination shots
● Random effects
● Fullscreen shutter: click anywhere on screen to shoot!
● Animated shutter effect
● Support geotag / exif tags
● Select sdcard folder to save photos (incl external sd)
● Auto save shots
● Win $100 in Instagram style photo contest
● Pro scene modes, e.g. nightshot, beach (Droid only)
● View last shot in picture gallery
● Use as default camera
● Rotate / crop photos
● Widescreen lens / capture (if device supports)
● Support from Android 1.5 through to Android 4.0 (incl tablets)
What’s NewCamera ZOOM FX v5.0.0
Requirements: 1.6+
Overview: The most advanced camera for Android!
Cover art
Camera ZOOM FX - screenshot
>> “The Best Camera App for Android” – lifehacker
>> “The 15 Best Mobile Apps of 2011″ – Mashable
BUY NOW BEFORE THE PRICE GOES UP! (Normal price $4.99)
Over half a million sold!!!
“grab this to show off to your Apple-loving buddies” – SlashGear
“fun filters, zooming, timer and even image stabilisation” – Gizmodo
“Few apps offer as many options for shooting as this one” – WIRED
The award-winning camera app for Android devices!
Camera ZOOM FX is now Editor’s Choice on Lifehacker, Gizmodo, Mashable and SlashGear. Over 400,000 users around the world are now using Camera ZOOM FX daily.
Blazingly fast performance: over 90 effects render instantly on your device!
● Optical / digital zoom (up to 6x)
● Flash (if avail)
● Front facing camera (if avail)
● Customization of ALL hardware buttons
- e.g. volume buttons to control zoom, trackball to snap shot…
● Live previews of some effects, e.g. frames, buddies
● Silent camera (if device supports)
● Tweak hardware options: autofocus, whitebalance, nightshot…
● Send, share your shots
● 1-click upload photo to Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, etc. – ALL AT ONCE!
● Customizable grid overlays
● NEW!! Live Wallpaper – now “Photo FX Live Wallpaper” app
● Stable S on-screen meter to show current level of movement
● Timer
● Voice Activated: take a picture by clapping, shouting…
● Burst Mode
● Collage
● Time Lapse
● You can import existing photos from your phone’s gallery by clicking Menu->Import.
● Combine effects using non-destructive editing
● Process at full camera resolution (up to 8mp if avail)
● 10 ready made presets: Diana, Retro, Holga 35mm, Toy Camera…
● 20 Color FX: vintage, lomo, cinematic, funky, pencil…
● 13 Frames: thin, rounded, lens, polaroid, filmreel…
● 6 Vignette Surrounds: heavy, invert, spotlight…
● 12 Distort FX: fisheye (like fxcamera), mosaic, twirl…
● 9 Mirror FX
● 3 Tilt-shift FX
● Crop to any size of your choice: 3×8, square, instant, 6×4…
● Digi composites (photoshop style overlays)
● Props and famous ‘buddies’ in your pictures (move and resize!)
● Create stunning collages: e.g. 2×2 passport style combination shots
● Random effects
● Fullscreen shutter: click anywhere on screen to shoot!
● Animated shutter effect
● Support geotag / exif tags
● Select sdcard folder to save photos (incl external sd)
● Auto save shots
● Win $100 in Instagram style photo contest
● Pro scene modes, e.g. nightshot, beach (Droid only)
● View last shot in picture gallery
● Use as default camera
● Rotate / crop photos
● Widescreen lens / capture (if device supports)
● Support from Android 1.5 through to Android 4.0 (incl tablets)
What’s New
- introducing ‘Best Photo Mode’ !!
- take up to 50 shots in burst mode, and let Camera ZOOM FX decide which is the best, or choose for yourself!
- color splash effect
- all effects customisable
- new burst mode – Hold shutter to start burst, release to end
- supports HD and interval selection
- remember last shooting mode
- manual crop
- new filters: Ghostly Glow, Comic Strip
- set custom filenames for photos
- optimized for Nexus 5 / Kitkat
- much more!
- introducing ‘Best Photo Mode’ !!
- take up to 50 shots in burst mode, and let Camera ZOOM FX decide which is the best, or choose for yourself!
- color splash effect
- all effects customisable
- new burst mode – Hold shutter to start burst, release to end
- supports HD and interval selection
- remember last shooting mode
- manual crop
- new filters: Ghostly Glow, Comic Strip
- set custom filenames for photos
- optimized for Nexus 5 / Kitkat
- much more!